Learn Biblical Hebrew Online with RRC Faculty

This course will run for 12 sessions beginning early June 2025.


The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College is the sole seminary of the Reconstructionist movement. Founded in 1968 to serve the Jewish people and the wider world, RRC is dedicated to teaching Judaism as an evolving religious civilization and to engaging with the riches of Jewish tradition to create meaning, connect to the sacred and bring individuals and communities to greater love, justice and peace.


Social Justice Organizing

We teach rabbinical students the practical skills and theological background to create a more socially just, environmentally sustainable and spiritually fulfilling society. Learn more 

Multifaith Studies

We have long pioneered multifaith learning. It is crucial in today’s world that rabbis have the tools to build relationships and alliances with other religious communities. Learn more 


Becoming a rabbi entails many kinds of growth. Our Spiritual Direction program cultivates an experiential faith that accompanies students as they discern the way the divine emerges uniquely for each person. Learn more 

What kind of rabbi do you want to be?

Becoming a rabbi is a process that encompasses deep intellectual, spiritual and professional growth. As part of a close-knit and deeply engaged community, you’ll become steeped in Jewish texts, history, ritual, and practice, while gaining a wide range of skills through immersive field experience. Upon graduation, you will be ready to serve the Jewish people as a rabbi — deeply rooted in the richness of Jewish tradition and responsive to the experiences, needs and aspirations of evolving Jewish communities. We invite you to be part of a generation of rabbis who truly meet people where they are.

Explore Titles & Degree Programs 

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Learn more about our partner organization, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, the professional association of Reconstructionist Rabbis.

Latest News

Meeting the Unknown, Rabbinical Students Grow Spiritually, Help Others Through Clinical Pastoral Education

CPE is a formal, accredited method for training students of all faiths in the art of being a spiritual caregiver. These programs reflect the growing professionalization of the field and are usually offered in healthcare facilities. Chaplains, though, can serve in many settings, including retirement communities, hospices, campuses and prisons, as well in the military and with police and fire departments.

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Reconstructing Judaism logo

Reconstructing Judaism: the central organization of the groundbreaking, always-evolving Reconstructionist movement. We help build thriving Jewish communities, empower individuals to lead lives of deeper meaning and purpose, train rabbis who make a difference, and work to bring about a more just and sustainable world.

Logo with an orange and brown mountain silhouette and Live, Work, Play & Stay in brown text below.

Ritualwell is the most extensive online resource curating original, progressive Jewish rituals. We foster a supportive online community for those seeking to make Jewish practice their own.

Logo featuring the letters ADHD in bold black, with green accents and a stylized green triangle above.

Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations is a multimedia project highlighting the most cutting-edge thinking in the Reconstructionist movement and wider Jewish world. Through essays, podcasts, and web conversations, Evolve models nuanced dialogue and respectful disagreement while probing urgent questions.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network