Online bibliographic databases are available both on and offsite. Offsite access to some databases is restricted to affiliates of RRC and require a password to use.
Bar Ilan Online Responsa Project Search or browse the full-text in Hebrew/Aramaic of Tanakh, Talmud, Mishneh Torah, Shulhan Arukh, Zohar, Responsa and more.
EBSCOhost Search for periodical articles from journals to which we have an online subscription, with the following indexes.
- ATLA Religion Database – abstracting/indexing for edited books, book reviews, and journals in religion, with some links to full-text.
- Index to Jewish Periodicals – index to 160 English-language periodicals of Jewish interest since 1988. No abstracts, some links to full-text.
Encyclopedia Judaica Searchable full-text of the 2nd edition, 2006.
Gale Encyclopedia of Religion Searchable full-text of the 2nd edition, 2005. A searchable collection of thousands of Hebrew religious books (seforim) for free viewing, downloading, or printing.
JTA Jewish News Archives JTA Global News Service of the Jewish people’s digital archive of some 250,000 articles covering Jewish news around the world, 1923 – present.
Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia Online interactive version of the 2006 CD-ROM version of Professors Paula Hyman (Yale University) and Dahlia Ofer (Hebrew University, Jerusalem).
Lieberman Institute Index of References Dealing with Talmudic Literature Searchable database of scholarly works, both traditional and modern, in which a given Talmudic text is discussed. Some links to full-text of indexed books.
Lieberman Institute Talmud Text Databank Searchable full-text of primary textual witnesses of the Babylonian Talmud, including manuscripts, first printed editions, and Cairo Geniza fragments.
National Library of Israel Digitized Book Repository Online collections of Talmudic manuscripts, Tanakhs, mahzorim, haggadot and more.
RAMBI | The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies Click on Rambi Web after accessing the link. Index to articles in journals and edited books in English, Hebrew, and other languages on all aspects of Jewish Studies, from the Hebrew University. Enter search terms in English or Hebrew. No full-text.