The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, and licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Documentation will be provided upon request.
For information on filing a complaint with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, please click here. If you are still in need of additional information, please email
For information on filing a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education please click here. For additional information, please contact: Division of Higher & Career Education | Pennsylvania Department of Education – Postsecondary and Adult Education 333 Market Street, 12th Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 | Phone: 717.783.8228 | Fax: 717.722.3622 |
Emergency Financial Assistance for Students
Consumer Disclosure
Disabilities and Accomodations Policies
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
Harassment Free Environment & Title IX
Emergency Plans and Alerts
Emergency Plans and Alerts Notification of an on-campus emergency is communicated on an individual or group basis by person-to-person contact. Such an emergency would be confirmed by contact with the individual reporting the threat. Depending on the nature of the threat, a determination would be made as to which segments of the community should be notified. The institution will take the actions described above without delay. The office of the president or any vice president is responsible for carrying out these actions. When appropriate, the larger community would be notified via contact with the local police. Evacuation procedures are in place for fire emergencies and would be used as appropriate in other emergencies. The Emergency Guidelines for RRC are filed in the office of the vice president for administration and with Cheltenham Township.
Campus Disciplinary Proceedings
Results of a campus disciplinary proceeding will be disclosed to a victim of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense upon written request.
Campus Security Report
RRC does not employ security personnel. In case of criminal action or an emergency, staff are instructed to contact Cheltenham Township Police at 911.
Because of the College’s tax-exempt status, the College and its constituent bodies, including the regular faculty, the Reconstructionist Student Association and committees, may not take partisan political positions. They cannot support particular political parties or candidates, nor can they devote a substantial amount of time or money to lobbying for a partisan political position.
Cohort Default Rates
RRC has always had an extremely low default rate for repayment of student loans. We remain in contact with graduates regarding potential defaults either directly or with the cooperation of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association. When in contact with someone potentially entering default, we make clear that not only will default affect that individual and his/her credit rating, but also current and future students might be affected because the school’s ability to participate in the loan program would be affected. As the number of years used in the calculation of cohort default rates increases, there is always the possibility that our rate could increase. But with our rate at or close to zero over many years, it is less likely that we will suffer an adverse outcome.
Annual Informational Distributions, Including the Student Handbook
At the beginning of each academic year, the College distributes information, including the Student Handbook, on a number of subjects to students. This distribution includes information that RRC is required by the government to provide, as well as information that is of importance to students. Keeping in mind the College’s commitment to a greener environment, the documents are now available internally on our shared platform.