Visiting the College

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RRC Online Open Houses

Join us for a 90-minute program to learn more about becoming a rabbi at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.

  • Meet admissions staff and faculty
  • Learn about our program and community
  • Hear from current students and alumni about how RRC has prepared them to lead and to serve
  • Ask questions in smaller breakout groups

RRC Online Fall 2025 Institute for Prospective Rabbinical Students

Nov. 9-10, 2025 | SAVE THE DATE

Join us to experience our Deeply Rooted and Boldly Relevant program and community.

Our Institute program takes into consideration that participants are stretched across time zones (and that we spend a lot of time on Zoom!) Join us for as much of the program as you can attend. Attendees will be sent a final schedule.

  • Join the RRC community for study, prayer and conversation
  • Enjoy time with students
  • Learn about fieldwork and internship opportunities
  • Spend time with RRC faculty
  • Learn about the financial aid process
  • Talk with Reconstructionist rabbis about their work
  • Meet other individuals also thinking about the rabbinate

If you have questions about these programs or would like to schedule an in-person visit at another time, email Rabbi Melissa Heller, Director of Admissions and Recruitment, or call at (215) 576-5250.


Visit Us Anytime

Prospective students are welcome to visit during the academic year. You can sit in on classes, tour our campus, meet students, and speak with College faculty and administration. To plan a visit, contact Rabbi Melissa Heller, director of admissions and recruitment, at

See our campus

RRC is housed in a redbrick, slate-roofed Georgian mansion built as a summer home for the Curtis family, who were the one-time publishers of The Saturday Evening Post. The main building — Ziegelman Hall — houses classrooms, the student lounge and the kitchen, and administrative offices. Adjoining Ziegelman Hall is the Goldyne Savad Library Center, which houses the Mordecai M. Kaplan Library, the Ira and Judith Kaplan Eisenstein Reconstructionist Archives and faculty offices.

Meet with Rabbi Melissa Heller, Director of Admissions and Recruitment

A central part of any visit will be meeting with Rabbi Heller for an informal conversation to explore your interest in rabbinical school and ask questions about the things that matter to you. What it is like to live and study here? What are your goals, as a student or as a rabbi? To schedule a visit, contact Rabbi Heller via email or (215) 576-5250.


Meet students, faculty and graduates

Everyone — faculty, staff and students — at the College shares a commitment to Jewish learning that includes the powerful texts and magnificent history we have inherited, alongside the unfolding challenges and blessings of the current moment. Graduates of RRC live and serve around the country, in Israel and across the globe; ask Rabbi Heller to help you find a Reconstructionist rabbi or community near you.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network