Where Our Graduates Serve

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Rabbinic Placements Following Ordination

More than one-third of our alumni lead congregations and havurot. Many RRC graduates serve as campus chaplains and Hillel professionals. Roughly 10 percent of our graduates serve as chaplains in hospitals, hospice settings, prisons, assisted-living communities, rehabilitation centers and in the United States military. Alumni also live in Israel and work toward building a more just society there infused with Jewish values. Other employers include Jewish agencies, community centers, social justice organizations, Jewish day schools and supplementary schools. 

Rabbi Rayna Grossman (RRC ’17), Director of Field Education, explains how RRC’s immersive fieldwork prepares rabbis to serve in many different settings. 

Class of 2024
Rabbi Stephanie Breitsman, Temple Beth Shalom, Brigantine, NJ
Rabbi Aviva Marchione, Jewish Life, Monroe Village, Monroe, NJ
                                                  Temple B’nai Abraham, Bordentown, NJ
Rabbi Noah Ruben-Blose, Makom Congregation, Durham, NC
Rabbi Aliza Schwartz, Temple Hillel-B’nai Torah, Boston, MA
Rabbi Adam Strater, Epstein Hebrew Academy, Atlanta, GA
Rabbi Beryl Trauth-Jurman, Virgina Tech Hillel, Blacksburg, VA

Class of 2023
Rabbi Faryn Borella, Or Shalom Reconstructionist Community, San Fransico, Calif.
Rabbi Nicole Fix, Rabbinic Arts Company, New York, New York
Rabbi Solomon Hoffman, Kehillah Synagogue, Chapel Hill, NC
Rabbi Lizzie Horne Mozes, Congregation Beth Tikvah, Marlton, NJ
Rabbi Asher Sofman, Springpoint Senior Living at Monroe Village, Wall Township, NJ; Stronebridge at Montgomery, Skillman, NJ 
Rabbi May Ye, Mending Minyan, New Haven, CT

Class of 2022
Rabbi Armin Langer, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
Rabbi Allyson Zacharoff, New York University, Manhattan
Rabbi Sarah Brammer-Shlay, Grinnell College, Grinnel, Ia.
Rabbi Adam Cerino-Jones, Kehillat Ahavat Achim: The Jewish Congregation of New Paltz, New Paltz, N.Y.
Rabbi David Goodman, Nafshenu, Cherry Hill, N.J.
Rabbi Lonnie Kleinbaum, The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Class of 2021
Rabbi Donna Cephas, independent rabbinic work, New York, New York 
Rabbi Rachel Davidson, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Rabbi Rebecca Hornstein, T’ruah, Lynn, MA
Rabbi Miriam Geronimous, Cleveland Jewish Collective, Cleveland, Ohio
Rabbi Mikey Hess Webber, Columbia Jewish Congregation, Columbia MD

Class of 2020
Rabbi Janine Julia Jankovitz Pastor, Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid, Broomall, Pa.
Rabbi Michael Perice, Temple Sinai, Cinnaminson, N.J.
Rabbi Lily Sarah Solochek, Adas Yoshuron, Rockland, Me.
Rabbi Zachary Saul Wiener, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
Rabbi Nora Rebecca Maneval Woods, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Class of 2019
Rabbi Miriam Grossman, Kolot Chayenu, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Rabbi Mackenzie Zev Reynolds, Mount Sinai Health System, New York, N.Y. 
Rabbi Rebecca Richman, Germantown Jewish Centre, Philadelphia
Rabbi Micah Geurin Weiss, Reconstructing Judaism, Wyncote, Pa. 
Rabbi Ari Witkin, Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Class of 2018
Rabbi Jacob Best Adler, Congregation Kehilat Shalom, Belle Mead, N.J.
Rabbi Elyssa Cherney, Tacklingtorah, Philadelphia
Rabbi Emily Cohen, West End Synagogus, New York, N.Y.
Rabbi David Eber, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation of Evanston, Evanston, Il.
Rabbi Nathan Kamesar, Society Hill Synagogue, Philadelphia
Rabbi Ariana Katz, Hinenu:The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl, Baltimore
Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Elon University, Elon, N.C. 
Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg, Bend the Arc, Washington, D.C.

Class of 2017
Rabbi Julianne Benioff, Temple Emek Shalom, Ashland, Ore. 
Rabbi Mimi Ferraro, Abramson Senior Care, North Wales, Pa. 
Rabbi Rayna Ilyza Grossman, Lions Gate Continuing Care Retirement Community, Voorhees, N.J.
Rabbi Georgette Kennebrae, Mikve Israel Emanuel, Curacao
Dr. Birgit Klein, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Rabbi Kami Knapp Schechter, Congregation Or Shalom, Berwyn, Pa.
Rabbi Leiah Moser, Temple Israel & JCC, Ridgewood, N.J. 
Rabbi Michael Pollack, March On Harrisburg, Philadelphia
Rabbi Hannah Spiro, Hill Havurah, Washington, D.C. 
Rabbi Ariel Cheryl Tarash, Holy Redeemer Life Care | Holy Redeemer Hospice, Huntington Valley, Pa. 
Rabbi Diane Tracht, Jewish Family and Career Services, Louisville, Ky.
Rabbi Marley Weiner, Asbell Center for Jewish Life, Dickenson College, Carlisle, Pa.
Rabbi Alexander Weissman, Congregation Agudas Achim, Attleboro, Ma.

Class of 2016
Rabbi Shelley Goldman, Kesher Israel, West Chester, Pa.
Rabbi Greg Hersh, Temple Emmanuel of Wakefield, Wakefield, Mass. 
Rabbi Marisa Elana James, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, Manhattan
Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner, Ann Arbor Reconstructionist Congregation, Ann Arbor, Mich. 
Rabbi Matan Peled, Temple B’nai Jacob of Wellington, Wellington, Fla.
Rabbi Nathan Weiner, Congregation Beth Tikvah, Marlton, N.J. 

Class of 2015
Rabbi Shelly Barnathan, Or Zarua, Havertown, Pa. 
Rabbi David Basior, Kadima Reconstructionist Community, Seattle 
Rabbi Jason Bonder, Congregation Beth Or, Ambler, Pa. 
Rabbi Kathryn Cook, Heart Hospital of Austin, Austin, Tx. 
Rabbi Elana Friedman, Jewish Life at Duke University, Durham, N.C. 
Rabbi Jacob Lieberman, Temple Beth El, Newark, Del. 
Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Rubenstein, Temple Beth Israel, Eugene, Ore. 
Rabbi George Wielechowski, Open Dor Project, Encinitas, Calif. 

Class of 2014
Rabbi Tamara Cohen, Moving Traditions, Jenkintown, Pa.
Rabbi Ilanit Goldberg-Gradess, Jewish Theological Seminary, Manhattan
Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill, Tidewater Chavurah, Virginia Beach, Va. 
Rabbi Malka Packer-Monroe, Interfaith Family, Atlanta
Rabbi Danielle Parmenter, Tiferet Bet Israel, Blue Bell, Pa. 
Rabbi Nicholas Renner, University of Delaware Hillel, Newark, Del. 

Our alumni play a leading role in creating and stewarding Jewish life and organizations throughout North America and around the world. Students trained at the College are consistently included on lists of the leading North American rabbis, such as the Forward’s list of the 50 most influential American Jews.

Reflecting our commitment to impact and innovation, a number of our graduates are social entrepreneurs, working to build the next big idea in Jewish life. Whether it is heading an initiative that funds spiritual innovators, like the Open Dor Project, injecting Jewish values into statewide politics through organizations like March on Harrisburg, or growing a radically inclusive and joyful community like Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl, our alumni are forging new paths and redefining the rabbinate for a new generation. They help Jews and those who love us build lives of meaning. To foster innovation, we provide entrepreneurial grants to students and recent graduates to launch new projects that make Judaism relevant to the current day.

Upon graduation, Reconstructionist rabbis are welcomed as members of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, which serves their professional, educational, collegial and communal needs. Visit its website to learn more about the RRA, its Office of Rabbinical Career Development and its programs and services.

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