Power to Which People? American Jewish Philanthropy & Democracy

Lila Corwin Berman

The fellowship is meant to honor of the work of two retired faculty member: Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, RRC ‘85, who started RRC’s social justice organizing program, and Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Ph.D., RRC ‘82, who pioneered the college’s approach to multifaith studies.

As part of the fellowship, Plevan also will be taking part in a March 20 panel discussion, “Democracy and Judaism: Does One Need the Other to Thrive?”, organized by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood and A More Perfect Union: Jewish Partnership for Democracy (register here.) Democracy comes up in many of Plevan’s classes at RRC, particularly a course examining democracy and Jewish sources. He said to expect fall programming in advance of the 2024 elections.

Taken together, the fellowship will explore and champion how Reconstructionism teaches that participatory democracy is vital for religious flourishing.

“For many people, religious pluralism means keeping religion outside of the public realm,” said Plevan. “That wasn’t Kaplan’s view at all. He taught that what a thriving democracy needs is having different kinds of peoples and traditions and ideas contributing to public life.”


Rabbi Alex Weissman and Rabbi Micah Weiss, two of the participants on the RRC Faculty & Staff Study Tour to Israel and Palestine in July 2024.

About the Faculty

As a student, you will study with an exceptional group of engaged and dedicated faculty. The diversity of our faculty’s backgrounds — personal, religious, intellectual and professional — offer a wide breadth of perspectives and knowledge. The faculty provides students new ways of thinking and the support they need in pursuit of their academic goals, interests and the rabbinates to […]

Where Our Graduates Serve

Rabbinic Placements Following Ordination More than one-third of our alumni lead congregations and havurot. Many RRC graduates serve as campus chaplains and Hillel professionals. Roughly 10 percent of our graduates serve as chaplains in hospitals, hospice settings, prisons, assisted-living communities, rehabilitation centers and in the United States military. Alumni also live in Israel and work toward […]

Curriculum Overview

RRC’s curriculum cultivates the competencies that 21st century rabbis need to help individuals and communities use the riches of Jewish tradition to make meaning, connect to the holy and bring themselves, their communities and the world to greater justice and peace. Most students study for five years in the rabbinic program. Students entering the College with excellent potential for […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network