Cover of Strangers, Neighbors, Friends
Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Ph.D., a longtime faculty member of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College who founded the institution’s multifaith studies department, has published a new book, Strangers, Neighbors, Friends: Muslim-Christian-Jewish Reflections on Compassion and Peace.
The book was co-written with Kelly James Clark, senior research fellow at Grand Valley State University’s Kaufman Interfaith Institute, and Aziz Abu Sarah, who was named one of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre. The book addresses the perception that religion is the source of much of the world’s instability and, instead, makes the case that religion can and should be part of the solution.
Fuchs Kreimer, ’82, created RRC’s multifaith studies program and has worked tirelessly to bring Christians, Jews and Muslims together. She founded the groundbreaking Campus Chaplaincy for a Multifaith World which brings together campus chaplains from different faith traditions for training and to develop models for fostering interfaith experiences on campus.
All three authors are slated to take part in a March 26 Philadelphia book launch event. It’s scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Mishkan Shalom in Philadelphia.