Rabbi Lazarus-Klein (’04) Named to Buffalo Hillel Board
Rabbi Alex Lazarus-Klein, a 2004 graduate who serves Congregation Shir Shalom near Buffalo, has been named to the board of Hillel of Buffalo.
Rabbi Lawson (’18) Recognized in JTA Twitter 50
2018 Graduate Rabbi Sandra Lawson was recognized in JTA’s Twitter 50 list this year.
Jewish Ethics, #MeToo, and Crowd-Sourced Responsa
In 5778, the hashtags #TimesUp #MeToo #GamAni sparked a broad communal conversation about abuses of power on the part of individuals and institutions, within and beyond the Jewish community. The year brought revelations of misconduct among celebrities and government officials, and in Jewish schools, organizations, and synagogues. Now, powerful people who abuse their power are being held accountable, and this is a development that is welcome and long overdue. That doesn’t mean it is easy.
Labor and Faith Leaders Rally in Support of Immigrants
Rabbi Mordecai Liebling joined with labor and faith leaders in support of immigrants in an August 15 rally in Philadelphia that drew thousands.
Rabbi Adler (’18) Appointed at Belle Mead Synagogue
Congregation Kehilat Shalom, a Reconstructionist congregation in Belle Mead, has appointed Rabbi Jacob Best Adler, a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. As a student, Adler co-wrote “The Hamilton Haggadah” with a classmate. The two rewrote Lin-Manuel Miranda’s famous songs to tell the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. The project went viral the week before Passover in 2016, and received national media coverage.
Rabbi Kennebrae (’17) Featured: Gay and African-American rabbi wants to shatter stereotypes of what a Jew looks like
In her position as the newly installed rabbi of West End Synagogue, a Reconstructionist congregation on the Upper West Side, Kennebrae aims to challenge notions of what a Jew looks like.
Rabbi Lawson (’18) Featured: Rabbi Meets Jews Where They Are Today
Newly graduated Rabbi Sandra Lawson was profiled in the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent
Rabbi Pollack (’17) Featured: One Rabbi’s Bipartisan Spiritual Quest to End Corruption in Pennsylvania
Rabbi Michael Pollack’s quest to end political corruption in Pennsylvania was profiled in Tablet Magazine.
Rabbinic Students Help Keep Judaism Alive Behind Prison Walls
Serving Jewish prisoners in state prison, rabbinic students find new perspectives on freedom and responsibility.