‘What It Means to Be Human in an Algorithmized World’

glasses in front of a computer screen with code

Legal scholar, philosopher and policy analyst Nathalie Smuha spends a lot of time thinking, writing and advising about artificial intelligence. Namely, Smuha believes that society’s increasing reliance on algorithms presents pressing legal and moral questions — and governments, corporations and citizens are not paying enough attention.

Rabbi Moti Rieber (’04) quickly takes reins as interim in Topeka

As most congregations can attest, it was hard enough preparing a virtual experience during the High Holidays this year. But try doing it with a temporary spiritual leader who has been on the job for only a matter of weeks. That was exactly the situation at Temple Beth Sholom in Topeka. Congregation president, Alan Parker, said the experience turned out fantastically thanks in large part to interim rabbi, Moti Rieber, who lives and worships in Overland Park. 

‘Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out’

When it comes to combating systemic racism, everyone has something to learn.

That’s one reason why faculty members at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College are engaging in a year-long process — one rooted in the Jewish practice of Mussar — to confront anti-Black racism in themselves and the college environment.

Six Years Removed from Policy Shift, Rabbis with Non-Jewish Partners Continue to Embody Reconstructionist Values, Even as Challenges Persist

Rabbis Donna Cephas, Sandra Lawson and Michael Hess Webber each took very different paths to becoming Reconstructionist rabbis. Despite disparate journeys, the three religious leaders have continuously demonstrated dedication, creativity and an ability to inspire others. Their stories share an additional element: their paths to the rabbinate were once blocked because their partners are not Jewish.

Privacy Policy

We at Reconstructing Judaism are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your visits to this website. Outlined below is our online privacy policy. This privacy policy addresses our practices regarding information collected from visitors of this website – it does not address any information other than that which is collected directly through or […]

Social Justice Organizing

Social justice organizing permeates the college’s academic and community life. Through coursework and supervised internships, students develop the practical skills and theological background to work effectively toward a more socially just, environmentally sustainable and spiritually fulfilling society. Through my organizing internship, I have learned that it is possible to be all the aspects of my developing rabbinic self […]

Sallie E. Gratch

Sallie E. Gratch

The 2023 Keter Shem Tov Award is presented to Sallie E. Gratch. The Keter Shem Tov Award recognizes distinction in scholarship or community service in the pursuit of Reconstructionist ideals, and is offered to an individual of the highest regard. The honor takes its name from Pirkei Avot 4:17: “Rabbi Shimon says there are three crowns: the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of kingship, but the crown of a good name [keter shem tov] rises above them all.”

Kol hakavod Rabbi Miriam Geronimus (’21)

Geronimus chose to pursue rabbinic studies at the Reconstructionist Rabbinic College because of its combined focus on Jewish history, culture, and spirituality. As a longtime spiritual seeker with an academic orientation, she found the rabbinic program that would work for her. She particularly appreciated the RRC’s emphasis on practical rabbinics.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network