Spirit in Practice Podcast Series

Spirit in Practice was a podcast miniseries in 2017 that brought together emerging leaders with religious teachers of many faiths to explore social activism and spiritual practices. Amidst uncertainty, one thing is clear: ​ how we do our work on the outside depends upon the work we have done on ourselves on the inside. Hosted by three Reconstructionist […]

Multifaith Chaplaincy: Spirit in Practice

What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be? How Do You Nurture and Deepen Your Ethical Life? What Practices Sustain Your Spirit? Do you wonder how you can show up for challenging times with compassion, courage, equanimity and joy? Amidst uncertainty, one thing is clear. How we do our work on the outside depends […]

Nicole Fix

Rabbi Nicole Fix

Nicole Fix envisions a rabbinate at the intersection of Jewish tradition and artistic practice. She co-founded the Rabbinic Arts Company to develop a modern-day practice of rabbinic arts. Through the fusion of rigorous engagement with text and committed artistic practice, she seeks to train artists and to create and produce work that will cultivate a global love and appreciation for Judaism.

Our Approach to Rabbinical Formation

At the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, we train rabbis to bring the wealth of Jewish tradition to help contemporary Jews and communities make meaning of their lives, draw closer to the sacred, and work toward a more peaceful and just world. Rooted in nourishing Jewish learning and intensive fieldwork-based education, the RRC curriculum prepares students to […]

Miriam Aaron Roland

The 2023 Presidential Recognition Award is presented to Miriam Aaron Roland. The Presidential Recognition Award is presented to an individual who has devoted their life to advancing Reconstructionist Judaism in both institution and practice, a person who has sown the seeds that nurture rabbinical training and movement leadership. This award honors an individual whose life’s work has been to advance Reconstructionist Judaism profoundly, making an inclusive, vibrant, open and thoughtful Jewish practice available to countless individuals, and thereby transforming the landscape of Judaism in our day.

Circulation Policies

Library materials may be borrowed by registered patrons – students, faculty, administrative staff, alumni, and guests — and may be renewed three times as long as they are not overdue or requested by another patron. Books Circulate for six weeks at a time Overdues: $0.25 per day per book after a three-day grace period   […]

Audio Clips of High Holy Day Prayers

The following links will take you to audio clips of the Reconstructionist liturgy for the High Holiday services. Rabbi Alan LaPayover, ’02, recorded the prayers. The pages noted refer to Kol Haneshamah: Prayerbook for the Days of Awe, The Reconstructionist Press. The book may be purchased online by visiting http://stores.jewishreconbooks.org/mahzor-leyamim-noraim/ Rosh HaShanah Torah Service ConcludingMusaf MalkhuyotMusaf ZikhronotMusaf ShofarotMusaf […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network