โ€˜What It Means to Be Human in an Algorithmized Worldโ€™

glasses in front of a computer screen with code

Legal scholar, philosopher and policy analyst Nathalie Smuha spends a lot of time thinking, writing and advising about artificial intelligence. Namely, Smuha believes that societyโ€™s increasing reliance on algorithms presents pressing legal and moral questions โ€” and governments, corporations and citizens are not paying enough attention.

Rabbi Moti Rieber (’04) quickly takes reins as interim in Topeka

As most congregations can attest, it was hard enough preparing a virtual experience during the High Holidays this year. But try doing it with a temporary spiritual leader who has been on the job for only a matter of weeks. That was exactly the situation at Temple Beth Sholom in Topeka. Congregation president, Alan Parker, said the experience turned out fantastically thanks in large part to interim rabbi, Moti Rieber, who lives and worships in Overland Park.ย 

The Forward Spotlights Rabbi Darby Leigh (’08)

โ€œThis has been 1000% my experience,โ€ he continued. โ€œI have continuously been aware on a daily basis of living in a society that is not set up to meet my needs. But this is true for so many people โ€“ gay, trans-, bi-. If youโ€™re a person of color here you are not living in a world set up for you. If you are a person with a disability you know this society was not set up for youโ€

Watch & Listen: Let Silence be Praise for God

Reconstructionist Judaism offers a spiritual and communal home to all who seek connection and meaning. And the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College trains diverse and dynamic rabbis who make Jewish experiences accessible to all.Take, for example, Rabbi Adam Cerino Jones. Growing up in an interfaith home, he did not see a place for himself in any Jewish community until a Hillel rabbi convinced him that not only could he lead an authentically Jewish life, but he could also be a rabbi.

Student Activism

Rabbinical voices are needed inย progressive movements everywhere. Students from the College take action on a variety of issues both within and beyond the Jewish world.ย  As a rabbi, you will have have an important role to play in the fight for local, national and global justice, and weโ€™ll help you get ready. For more than […]

What Graduates Have to Say

What Our Graduates Have to Say: โ€œI really have loved being a student at the College because the faculty really believes in each of our abilities to become the best rabbis we can be, and the most authentic rabbis for each of us personally. Our teachers see us in all of our complexity, and that […]

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network