A nesting chain of dependencies – Rabbi Leiah Moser (‘17)
“I was very interested in Kaplan’s approach to Judaism as an evolving religious civilization, and the idea that it is a manifestation of Jews and what we believe and how we believe, not the other way around. It is not that we are Torah, and therefore we are Jews. It is more that we are Jews, and therefore there is Torah.”
Out rabbi to begin tenure at local synagogue – Rabbi Alanna Sklover (‘13)
A graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College with a specialization in the congregational rabbinate, Sklover said she identifies with the strong sense of community and inclusion that the Or Hadash congregation cultivates.
Tai chi with tefillin: Inside New York’s quirkiest yeshiva
“Parts of it feels radically different,” said Lily Solochek, a rabbinical student who began studying at the Conservative movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary and is now a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.
Meet the young Jews chanting ‘Never again!’ and blocking streets to shut down Trump’s camps
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on Never Again Action’s July 2019 demonstrations against refugee detainment camps, featuring rabbinical student Lizzie Horn.
Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner (’16) Featured in Moving Video from Avodah Service Corps
This video recounts a pre-rabbinical school experience of Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner, who graduated in 2016.
Rabbi Ariana Katz (’18) Weaves Her Mark Into Jewish Podcasting with “Thread”
The first thing you should know about Rabbi Ariana Katz is that she’s a total badass. She’s a founding rabbi of Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebel, a radical Jewish collective (check out their website). She’s worked at T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights and even as a chaplain at Planned Parenthood.
Rabbi Alex Weissman (’17) “An Advocate for Social Justice and Civil Rights”
Rabbi Alex Weissman is the senior Jewish educator at Brown RISD Hillel, where he says he has the pleasure of drinking a lot of coffee and learning a lot of Torah with and from his students. He agreed to answer a few questions as part of Jewish Rhode Island’s ongoing effort to introduce community leaders.
Faculty Member Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer Publishes Book on Peace Through Multifaith Understanding
Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Ph.D., a longtime faculty member of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College who founded the institution’s multifaith studies department, has published a new book, Strangers, Neighbors, Friends: Muslim-Christian-Jewish Reflections on Compassion and Peace.
Rabbi Sandra Lawson (’18) Profiled by Student News Magazine
Rabbi Sandra Lawson, ’18, who serves as associate chaplain for Jewish life and Jewish educator at Elon University in North Carolina, was recently featured in an in-depth video segment produced by Elon News Network, the university’s student-run organization.
Rabbi Amy Bernstein, ’97, Chosen to Lead SoCal Board of Rabbis
Rabbi Amy Bernstein was installed on January 16, 2019 as the president of The Board of Rabbis of Southern California for a two-year term.